Yuna Braska
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the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
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Post by Yuna Braska on Jan 27, 2009 22:21:54 GMT 8
" Maybe, Not garenteing it" Amelia said coming back into the main part of the classroom to get her books. " Got the test done quickly i heard" Amelia said with a smile as she brushed past him to get out of the Art room and back towards her locker.
Rihanna Astor
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[M0:10]If we don't end war, war will end us.
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Post by Rihanna Astor on Jan 27, 2009 22:26:50 GMT 8
William smirked as she brushed passed him and rolled off the wall to follow Amelia towards their lockers. Aww come on, at this rate im gonna die before i get to see it.' he chuckled and stood close beside her. 'Yea, its all easy stuff. Sorry about that noise afterwards though.' he said and gave a half hearted laugh.
Yuna Braska
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the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
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Post by Yuna Braska on Jan 27, 2009 22:31:16 GMT 8
"Pity" Amelia said smiling lightly. "It's alright, i don't mind it. Don't know about the rest of my small class." They didn't really enjoy that type of music while they painted, they enjoyed the beat the other day though now they really had to concerntrate on their assignment. It didn't bother her concerntration.
Rihanna Astor
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[M0:10]If we don't end war, war will end us.
Posts: 295
Post by Rihanna Astor on Jan 27, 2009 22:37:39 GMT 8
William gave a sly smirk when she said pitty. He would hang around to see that painting... ((muhaha)) 'Well, i dont give a dam what they think. As long as you like it then i'll keep doing it.' he said with a small smle to her before he opened his locker and gathered his books and lunch.
Yuna Braska
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the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
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Post by Yuna Braska on Jan 27, 2009 22:48:27 GMT 8
Amelia rolled her eyes and smiled gracefully. "Hmm, arn't they gonna have fun. " Amelia commented dumping her stuff and pulling out once again a homemade Jam sandwhich. (yay) "Is Lucy and Darren already gone to Lunch" Amelia asked looking around at the empty corridors.
Rihanna Astor
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[M0:10]If we don't end war, war will end us.
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Post by Rihanna Astor on Jan 28, 2009 19:37:22 GMT 8
William looked around also, a bit suprised by how quiet it was. Leaning his back against the locker, he scratched his head/ 'I guess they have,' he mumered, wandering why they had left him, well... he left them. After that, Will took out an apple and smirked. 'I guess they will, not their happiness i care about,' he said before he looked caringingly over to Amelia.
Yuna Braska
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the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
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Post by Yuna Braska on Jan 28, 2009 19:46:42 GMT 8
Amelia tried to ignore the look he gave her, walking towards the Canteen lunch area, she had to hide a smile when she replied. "Is that so? Who's happiness do you care about then?" Amelia walked slowly for him to catch up, unwrapping her lunch in front of her.
Rihanna Astor
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[M0:10]If we don't end war, war will end us.
Posts: 295
Post by Rihanna Astor on Jan 28, 2009 20:02:59 GMT 8
William shut his locker and followed. 'Happiness? Well, i care about most, but some of the people in this school, other than those close to me,' he said, emphasing the word close by catching up and standing close to Amelia, 'I care about my friends and families,' he said, thinking of all the times he had tried to help make his mum and dad happy, but it never worked. 'Dont really think im that good at it though.' he bit into his apple with a grin as he hid a glimmer of amusment in his eyes brought on by Amelia. He knew that she was uncomfortable with him, but...unlucky for her, she was stuck with him.
Yuna Braska
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the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
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Post by Yuna Braska on Jan 29, 2009 11:40:48 GMT 8
"you don't have to be good at it"Amelia said knowing that she too couldn't keep anyone happy. Well not her mother, she was so lonely she hoped she find someone kind soon. " Im wondering" She said knowing Will wouldn't like the question. "Whats your opion on Eithan?"
Rihanna Astor
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[M0:10]If we don't end war, war will end us.
Posts: 295
Post by Rihanna Astor on Jan 29, 2009 12:00:19 GMT 8
She was right, he didnt like the question, 'Lets not tread there,' he said and tried to keep a straight face, but his brows were slowing inching closer together. 'But my opinion is that NEVER get assiciated with him, in any way.' he warned her, pausing in his steps and looking at Amelia, her pretty eyes, knowing that she was speaking with eathen, but he couldnt control her, she had her own life and preferences. Will was just the guy on the side, nothing to Amelia, but he would look after her, pick her up if she fell. He frowned but then gave a chuckle. 'Whats your opinion on him Amelia?'
Yuna Braska
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the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
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Post by Yuna Braska on Feb 2, 2009 16:29:31 GMT 8
Pulling apart her sandwhich, piece by piece, Amelia listened when Will gave her a firm warning. She nodded her head sensing a bit of a fueding between the two. She wondered what it was? Shrugging when he asked her the same question, she replied less extreme as Will did. 'Not really sure, he is quiet the determined person. " Amelia said with a giggle.
Rihanna Astor
Member (B)
[M0:10]If we don't end war, war will end us.
Posts: 295
Post by Rihanna Astor on Feb 2, 2009 19:33:47 GMT 8
William felt like glaring at Amelia when she giggled, calling Ethan a determined person, but didnt. He knew that would upset her. Biting the inside of his cheek, he reframed from doing anything to make Amelia unhappy or distant from him. Biting into his apple, it kept his mouth busy for a while until he realised something...Why was he caring about this girl? If she liked Ethan more than him then so be it. It was her life, she could end it early if she liked. What did it matter to him. But he looked down at her and he couldnt help but be drawn to her, she was quiet, and caring. Watching as she tore her sandwhich apart, he could just see it, her beside Ethan... 'Yes...determined.'
Yuna Braska
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the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
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Post by Yuna Braska on Feb 2, 2009 20:07:16 GMT 8
Amelia sensed a bit of stress coming for Will as he didn't reply for a while, only just before they had reached the lunch area where she saw Lucy and Darren. She thought for a moment before smiling cheekily and stopping to face Will. "I'm not going to ditch you guys. Besides it would be rude too since you drove me home and was my first friend here" Finishing the last bit of half of her sandwhich she started walking again and went to sit on the other side of Lucy at the table.She peered around to confirm that Cassie definently skipped this day. There wasn't even any of her minions at her table either which was odd.
Rihanna Astor
Member (B)
[M0:10]If we don't end war, war will end us.
Posts: 295
Post by Rihanna Astor on Feb 3, 2009 20:16:28 GMT 8
Will had a slight frown on his face, and couldnt look at Amelia, but when she stopped to face him, William was some what frozen but her words relaxed him. He watched as she went over to Lucy, who realised and greeted her warmly. Will glanced around the room, not yet seeing Ethan and hadn't seen Cassie and her 'gang' all day. That made him nervous in a way. He hated her being around, but hating seeing and being around her. He looked back over to his friends, Darren Mike Lucy.. and Amelia. He was her first friend? He hoped she didnt stay just because he drove her home.. Snapping from his thoughts, Will walked over to the table and sat across from Amelia, glancing at her softly before Darren moved and clapped him on the shoulder, speaking of his latest prank.
Yuna Braska
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Grand Summoner
the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
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Post by Yuna Braska on Feb 6, 2009 17:06:28 GMT 8
Finisheing off the last of her ordinary sandwhich, Amelia listened to Lucy as she bragged about the test they had to do. All about her been worked up all for nothing. " I swear teacher's do this to us for a reason, to make us study. I could of breezed past that test even without any study. " Lucy laughed at the end of it and asked about how Amelia was. She was unresponsive at first but Amelia looked up to Lucy and shrugged.